Lourdes Casanova
Lourdes Casanova, Gail and Rob Cañizares Director Emerging Markets Institute, Senior Lecturer Johnson College of Business, Cornell University. Named one of 50 most influential Iberoamerican intellectuals, one of 30 most influential Iberoamerican women intellectuals by Esglobal. Fulbright Scholar, Masters University of Southern California, PhD University of Barcelona. Co-editor with Cahen Miroux: Innovation from Emerging Markets. Cambridge University Press. Co-author with Miroux: The Era of Chinese Multinationals. Academic Press. Elsevier 2019. Emerging Market Multinationals Report 2016 to 2022. Co-author with Cornelius, Dutta: Entrepreneurship and the Finance of Innovation in Emerging Markets.  Elsevier. With Kassum: The Political Economy of an Emerging Global Power, Palgrave Macmillan 2014, author Global Latinas Palgrave Macmillan 2009. Member B20/G20, Mexico 2012 and India 2022. Board member Boyce Tompson Institute. Board member Boyce Tompson Institute. Contributor  Latin Trade, CNN en español, El PaÃs, Voice of America.